Friday, April 6, 2018

To Create Anything, You Need this!

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.
– John 1:1-3
Archaeological researches have shown that the earth has been in existence for billions of years, although it was formless and empty, just as the Bible says it was “in the beginning.” It has also been revealed that that life started appearing on the earth only some million years ago, when God started to populate it with living things. What transpired between the interlude of earth’s creation and its population with living beings are still subject of debate. But, if you consider the vastness of the universe and everything in it; how big, how deep, how high and how wide, you will agree that God must be quite awesome to have created all these.
Yet, the above passage tells us God does not create anything without first saying it. Genesis 1 vividly captures the account of creation, one recurrent clause that runs through that chapter is, “And God said…” thus corroborating the passage above that ALL THINGS are made through the word, and NOTHING was made without the word.
That means the Word has the power to create. Things, environments, circumstances, conditions and everything you can imagine are first created through the spoken word before they come to be.
Are there things lacking in your life that you want to be? What are the desirable but non-existent conditions in your marriage, business, career, ministry, society or other affairs? The first way to go about having them is to speak them forth. You should then back your confession with appropriate actions. Never forget that God created all things by first speaking them; there is no one smarter than Him around. So, if you want it, you have to speak it too.
You will succeed in Jesus Name!

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