It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. – John 6:63
Even as the body relies on food for sustenance and the soul feeds on information, so does the spirit require word to thrive, the best diet for it being the word of God.
The spirit, the third part of a human, responds to words. As much as it is invisible, it can be quickened to tangible activity by the spoken words. That is why you see strange things happen either to an animate or an inanimate as a result of incantations or exchange of words. That is because some spirits must have been invoked there.
However, the spirit, the engine that powers life, comes from God. So the best nutrition it can get to function optimally and effectively to play its guiding role as the big brother of soul and body is the word of God. God Himself is Spirit (John 4:24); therefore, His word is the best diet for any spirit to feed on. His word revives the dead by infusing spirit back into it; spirits don’t die. His word energises a fainting spirit (Psalm 119:25); His word stabilises the spirit and keeps it attuned to divine wavelength such that man is able to easily connect to and commune with his Creator about any matter of interest. God Himself so desires such fellowship or spiritual connection (John 4:23-24).
If you desire a refined and attuned spirit, then you need to constantly expose yourself to the implanted word of God. You can start today.
[This series will be concluded tomorrow].
You will succeed in Jesus Name!